How to Sell Digital Marketing Services and Digital Marketing Services Package

Stefan Scott
15 min readMay 18, 2021


If you desire to package and sell digital marketing services. Several services may suit under that parasol, but you know there’s a market for encouraging people to do great online.

But your sales process to bring those people may be a little unexpected. It may be a little irregular. You may not have a method at all.

So, how do you sell your digital marketing services to your new clients? First, you necessarily know your inherent client requirements. Second, place your pricing according to the business problem your proposed client is facing. Third, cultivate a sales process that provides your prospective client to make the choice instantly and positively.

The article here will provide you a streamlined baseline for how to imagine marketing your services more productively. Let’s get started.


1. How do I Sell My Digital Marketing Services?

Know What The Customer Needs

Avoid This Typical Misconception!

2. How Do I Price My Digital Marketing Services?
3. How Do I Pitch A Client For Digital Marketing Services?
4. How Do I Land Marketing Clients?

5. What Should My Digital Marketing Business Model Look Like?

The Broken Business Model

A Better Way (Let’s Use An Analogy): Flying Is Faster

Your Services Should Have A “Flight Path”

Take Your Clients Exactly Where They Want To Go

How to Sell Digital Marketing Services and Digital Marketing Services Package
How do I Sell My Digital Marketing Services

Image Source: thinkbigdigitalmarketing

How do I Sell My Digital Marketing Services?

Let’s begin at the opening: What is the most powerful sales strategy for digital marketing services? How should you be considering it?

I think there are two major points below:

The primary is to recognize that the person that buys your digital marketing services is a person. An actual human is seeing to execute this purchasing judgment. That person can exhibit a type of age, gender, social status, and interests, but at the end of the day, it is a person attempting to create a purchasing decision. Any information you offer is composed to assist this person to execute that purchasing decision as speedily and as reliably as possible.

The second important point is to recognize that your best customer is doing digital marketing already. So there’s some level of web presence that survives, and they’re attempting to optimize that web presence.

So to recall about that for a secondary, your best customer might be:

  • in the e-commerce business, like Nike, trading thousands of skews each particular day.
  • operating a membership site, with the majority of their offering, the bulk of their communication with clients, behind a paywall.
  • in the content business, like the Wall Street Journal, creating thousands on storing thousands of articles on their website each day.
  • in the software business allowing several varieties of apps and downloads and software tools.

Your most loyal customer may work in one of these models or some hybrid of these models. But the case is that your most loyal customer previously has an existent web presence, and they desire you to support them better optimize, to get still more benefit from that presence.

know what the customer needs
know what the customer needs

Know What The Customer Needs

What do these clients need? What might they be searching to purchase? Let’s put them in three sections here.

1. Beginner: The opening client previously has an existing client base, but their web presence may not be blended into how commerce is typically done, so they may utilize the phrase, “We require to put ourselves out there.” They’re attempting to utilize their web presence to push beyond their regular community, their regular physical location, their built organic possibilities.

So for them, a web presence means increased reach. The opening client knows that they don’t have all the foundation they require, and they’re willing to make the primary investment. It becomes your job to quantify what that focus investment requires to be and what they can assume from that primary investment of time, energy, and money.

2. Intermediate: The intermediate person has most possibly made the primary investment, but it was an incomplete investment. They have a system, and it more or less works. They have some things that are fixed up, but they’re broken and require to be corrected. This is presumably some version of a break/fix that requires them to appear in their world.

Someone requires to view the website, look at the setup, and fix what’s breaking so it happens more efficiently and they can start to depend on it more. Do you know what I suggest? The intermediate person more or less is seeing for a break/fix answer.

3. Advanced: The advanced customer is seeing for speed. They already have the primary setup. It works and they know it goes, but now they require it to happen quicker. And they have metrics in place to mark that speed. So they begin using phrases like ROI (return on investment) or ROAS (return on ad spend).

They’re happy spending money, and they know they may have to produce a notable investment, but there’s a way that they estimate the investment when it reaches back. And so you’ve got to be ready to look at their circumstances, see what has the most possibility for return on it, improve and scale the return.

avoid this typical misconception
avoid this typical misconception

Avoid This Typical Misconception!

Now there’s a really valuable point that I have to call out here. It’s a typical misconception that we perform when we sell digital marketing services. It’s necessary to trade to the sold, not to the obstinate. What you desire to be capable of doing is trade with people who are already doing digital marketing.

The misconception that we do as specialists is that we view the opportunity — if a business would just do this if a customer would just do that — and so we start to “convert” things to customers. The problem is that the person you’re selling to hasn’t previously understood for themselves that a chance or ability is present.

If you’re selling to obstinate people, that means you have to satisfy them that a specific web property, web strategy, web component is a great idea. And if you have to satisfy them, that’s a huge lifting on your part, and if you have to satisfy them, then they don’t spend the premium for it.

You desire people who are previously traded on the concept that digital marketing is an excellent concept, that digital marketing investments are valuable investments, and that if they spend with you, they can see a compounded return on their energy. You are required to sell the people who are previously sold. Be wary of becoming an “evangelist” and trading with people who are currently stubborn.

how do I price my digital marketing services
how do I price my digital marketing services

Image Source: Search Engine Journal

How Do I Price My Digital Marketing Services?

The primary framing of hourly work, project-based work, and retainer-based work is forever sound and will ever be suitable. You can pick from those three, as they link to your customers and as they link to your company.

Let’s view the pricing here a touch. We can scroll down to the “average price of monthly retainer” map here to assist us. What is the average price of the monthly retainer? You can recognize that the huge preponderance of services is traded for between $251 and $7,500. That’s quite an expanse. You can sell for more than that if you wish or you can sell for less than that if you wish. But you get a notion of where the winning spot is for how the pricing of assistance is typically structured. If you believe about it in terms of a month, it’ll match somewhere along with this range, typically between $251 and $7,500 a month.

Now let’s discuss why that cost range might live. If you desire to credit more for your services, execute the prices go up, what do you have to do?

  1. Scope: You’ve got to be ready to take on more scope. These could be easier projects, just completed on a bigger scale. So instead of maintaining one content piece or 10 content pieces, maybe you are leading a thousand or 5,000 content pieces. The larger reach enables you to push the price up.
  2. Complexity: If you desire to push the price up, you’ve got to take on more complexity. Maybe you’re handling some pieces of content, but the topic is rocket science. Well, that’s more complicated, and that enables you to alter the cost of your services up.
  3. Opportunity: Another component that enables you to credit more for your expenses is opportunity. That could be a matter of income, or it can be a matter of price. If there’s a chance in the marketplace that your customer is conscious of and your digital marketing achievements can assist them to acquire that chance, well, that’s deserving revenue to them. That’s deserving more to them.

If they know that if they don’t do something in the marketplace, it’ll cost them money, if there’s some kind of marketplace effect if they don’t do this stuff, they’re conscious of that price. You are keeping them from that price, repeatedly, which permits you to alter the price up.

So if you desire to charge more for your services, be at the high end of the company, these are the sorts of things you require to deal with.

Now, what sorts of stuff drive the cost down? If the cost is more economical, why might that be the crisis?

  1. Existing infrastructure: If your customer has existing infrastructure, if they previously have a team, if they previously have software, if they previously have assets, the more that they have, the more comfortable the project is to accomplish. So there’s just no call for a premium to be paid if they’ve previously funded the premium in the form of existing infrastructure.
  2. Existing organization: Another thing that can push the cost down is if your customer has an existing organization. Right now I’m speaking about people. If they particularly have people in the position to do the work previously, if they have workflows in spot to do the work previously, then they don’t require your team, they don’t require your organizational workflows. Those things assist keep the cost down and a little more gentle.

As you think about working with customers and discovering a cost point that makes sense, all of these choices require to be recognized, because at the end of the day you’re attempting to resolve the dilemma facing your customer. If your customer has challenges that push the cost up, so be it. If your customer has a response that keeps the cost more economical, so be it. What’s most significant is that your pricing exhibits the outline your customer is experiencing.

how do I pitch a client for digital marketing services
how do I pitch a client for digital marketing services

Image Source: Boris Austin | Getty Images

How Do I Pitch A Client For Digital Marketing Services?

If you’re seeing for an automatic step-by-step method to sell your digital marketing services, what might that seem like? Well, the primary process starts by knowing the correct people. From there you get to contact, that contact leads to a discussion, and that discussion becomes a closed sale. This is notable much how the process works.

Now the error we make is that we usually have the wrong mindset as we move through these levels. Let’s see how you should be considering as you take every step.

  1. Identification: When you recognize people in the marketplace whom you may be capable to serve, what you’re seeing are puzzles you can answer. These are people with a current web presence, and you can say by seeing their web presence that something is not 100%; something could be developed. There’s something about their situation that shows the difficulty to you.
  2. Contact: So when you reach out to get contact, the offer that you’re making here is an offer to have a discussion. So if they have this dilemma, “Hey, would you like to talk about it?” That’s all you’re attempting to get done. You’re not attempting to sell in this contact. You’re just attempting to see if a discussion makes sense.
  3. Conversation: When you communicate to that person in this discussion, you are verifying that the problem that you think exists. If you’re right and the problem exists, then you can move ahead. If not, then you should attempt to know what’s going on so you can move to the following course of action. This conversation is about validating, not pushing their hand to move ahead as a customer.
  4. Sale: When they select to become a customer when they choose to close, then the work starts quickly. You don’t introduce any other bureaucracy; just get begun resolving a puzzle that you thought been in the initial place.

Now, a timeout for brief sanity checks here. I know that what you’re seeing here seems simple. We under-appreciate how easy and how classic the sales process can be.

The number one error that we make is attempting to push people down this series of events. We’re so focused on gaining our sales, hitting our numbers, getting that closed sale, that we don’t leave an adequate period for the person on the other side to walk down this process with us. So yes, this method can be very mild, but it’s very essential to drive it professionally so that both parties can be pleased with the outcome that’s built in the end.

how do I land marketing clients
how do I land marketing clients

Image Source: Digital Agency network

How Do I Land Marketing Clients?

So if you’re passionate, you’re focused and you desire to begin this process immediately now, what do you do? I suggest that you go with tried, reliable, and established approaches.

  1. Go with friends and family: There are people in your network who know who you are, who appreciate what you do, and it does sense for you to reach out to friends and family heads to get your first point of impulse.
  2. Use social media: You have people who follow you, who have united with you, who are in your online webs, and it just does sense to leverage those networks beginning to develop on your first momentum.
  3. Use freelance networks: There is a kind of them, and they’re all composed to put people in the head of you who can make the purchasing decision, and so you can bid on that work and get your primary drive of possibilities from programs like Upwork and others. (Read here: Top 10 Best Freelance Websites list in 2021).

Are there subtleties? Yes. Are there complexities? There positively can be. But whatever process you like to go ahead with, what’s necessary is the primary insight that you’re utilizing your method to support this person obtain a purchasing decision. The more obvious you decide for this person, the quicker they can say, “Yes,” and work can begin. Best of luck.

What Should My Digital Marketing Business Model Look Like?

So you’ve reckoned out your pricing, you know how to pitch your services, and you’ve arrived some customers. Now I need to discuss how you package your services so you can explain them adequately and deliver them better.

The Broken Business Model

Here’s what most digital marketing agency do: You ask the customer, “Customer, what do you require us to make? Do you desire a new website?” And the customer says, “Absolutely, we require a new website.”

So you dig into your vat of digital marketing services, and you pick out the big long listing of possibilities: SEO, SEM, logo creation, digital marketing this, a digital marketing that, PPC, CPM, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn. You explain all these various events that your customer could apply to better set up their digital marketing appearance.

Your client’s eyes roll to the end of their head, you drop them, and also if they choose to purchase and become a customer, they’re not assured what they acquired. Then they ask you 100 more questions, you have 40 more follow-up conferences, and the project takes bigger and bigger and bigger, and less and less satisfying for you.

It’s a discontinued model. I have no thought about why or how we got into functioning that way, but I know that’s how it works for most people like you. So let’s turn that ever, and let’s think about it a different way.

A Better Way (Let’s Use An Analogy): Flying Is Faster

Here’s an analogy. Your customer is attempting to travel from Point A to Point B. There are three methods they can travel: they can drive, they can walk, or they can fly. When you walk, that’s the slowest option. That’s a matter of months to get over a long span. If you drive, that’s a matter of days or a matter of weeks to travel a long span. But when you fly, you can get there much quicker. That’s a matter of hours.

Now you and I both know that flying is the premium choice. You know it fetches more for that, but if you require it done, and you desire it done right now, flying is the only choice. So what I’m saying to you is that you should perform your services like you are the flight alternative, and you should reveal to your customers the flight way to get to where they desire to go. Let’s draw that out.

So I built the airplane analogy, and I just pulled one on the board. Now, sign, I went to school for business, not for design, so don’t judge my airplane.

Your Services Should Have A “Flight Path”

The point here is that your customer starts over here, and the desire to be above there and your work is to compose a plane that gets them there as fast as humanly possible.

But here’s the stuff about flying on a plane: there are some pieces that you have to do before you can get on the plane. You’ve got to backpack your bags, you’ve got to push yourself to the airport, you’ve got to park your car, and you’d extremely be at the gate by a specific time so you can get the flight. These things have to happen.

If you’ll do that, then here’s what happens: There’s a pre-built plane; the plane’s previously built. There’s a cockpit, there’s a pilot who’s operating the plane, flight attendants are waiting to assist, and there are places for you to sit in. Right? All you have to do is get a seat, and the plane can take off.

Now some interaction happens while we’re on the plane, a bit of experience that happens while we’re on the plane, but the huge preponderance of the plane is previously developed. The promise that the airline gives you is that if you’ll do your job and take on the plane, we’ll take you accurately where you require to be.

Your assistance should be composed in the same way. So let’s assume how that might be applied.

take your clients exactly where they want to go
take your clients exactly where they want to go

Take Your Clients Exactly Where They Want To Go

If you’re doing digital marketing services, there are several pieces that your best customer requires to previously have in place, right?

  • They require to have a current web presence if that’s great.
  • They require to previously have an objective customer.
  • They require to previously have metrics that matter to them.

These are things that should previously be in place, and so you’ve got to be transparent with your customer about what should previously be in place.

If they’ll get those pieces in sequence, then you can beckon them onto the plane where things are previously set up. There’s previously a captain to fly the plane, there are previously flight attendants, there’s previously a seat waiting for them. They can jump on that plane, they can experience the manner, you go through that manner with them.

And when they get to the extreme action, they are accurately where they are required to be. Whether that’s more views, more likes, more shares, more revenue, more customers, whatever amount is important to them, they’re specifically where they desired to be.

The rub for you is: are your services created this way?

  • Do you challenge your customers to get their act together before you begin working?
  • Do you get it clear to your customers that there is a pre-built process designed to take them where they require to go and it’s previously staffed and waiting for them?
  • Do your customers previously understand that there’s an elegant design that you get them through the process that is simple and pleasant for them to take?
  • Have you got it clear that by the time they go to the ultimate step, they will be precisely where they need to be?

Your services should not only be explained this process, they should be composed this way so that when you do the promise to your customer, you and your team are previously prepared to help it for them.

If you’re not preparing this, that may be why you’re possessing stress selling your services. I’ve posted articles describing how to set this method into work for specific digital marketing niches. So whether you’re a web designer, copywriter, social media marketer, or what-have-you, you’ll find information and examples tailored to your work.

Read More: How Much to Charge for Web Application Development



Stefan Scott

Digital Marketing Expert, Strategy Maker, Startup Business Growth Hacker, Fully Passionate for Online Marketing, Build a Professional Network and Freelancer.